Samuel Tamaoki was born on January 5th, 2018. He weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. He has inquisitive eyes, a sweet disposition, gorgeous dark hair that he inherited from his Mom and great lungs that will let you know when he is not happy.
Samuel’s Mom Gillian contacted me in July about newborn photos before I stopped booking other sessions. I’m so glad that this was the way I ended my newborn sessions. Although Samuel and their entire family make me want to keep photographing newborns!
I loved getting to know the Messer family. Gillian and Matt, Samuel’s Mom and Dad, are going to be the most calm, patient and loving parents. They are smitten with Samuel.
Gillian’s parents were visiting from California and we surprised them by having them join the session too! I know that as Samuel grows he will treasure photos of him with his grandparents. Everyone is so in love with little Samuel!
The family dog Juno also got to join in the session. She was curious about Samuel and even ended up giving him some sweet kisses. For me, it doesn’t get much cuter than babies and dogs!
Congratulations Gillian and Matt! Thank you for trusting me to capture your memories. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
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~Jessi Paige