The Young family is near and dear to my heart. They have been with me since the beginning of my business. I’ve been lucky enough to capture their wedding, several family sessions and now the birth of their second daughter Stella. Can I just say how perfect her name is?
Stella Nicole was born on August 21 at 11:37 am. She weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is an absolute doll.
Taking pictures of this family just warms my heart. Especially the ones of Madelyn and Stella. My favorite part was getting macro pictures of Stella with Erica and Matt’s necklaces. The necklaces have fingerprints of his dad and her mom who are Stella and Maddie’s guardian angels.
Thank you once again Young family for trusting me to capture your memories. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
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~Jessi Paige