Karsyn Kennedy was born June 16th. She weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and she was 18.5 inches long. She has sweet, inquisitive eyes, glowy perfect newborn skin and gorgeous hair. As soon as I wrapped her she fell fast asleep and decided to stay that way for most of our session.
Her parents Jordan and Bryan are overjoyed to have her in their lives. Her doggy brother Blake is curious about his sister. He also loves the camera. Wait until you see how photogenic he is!
Karsyn had a few adorable smiles for us. Her Mom is a West Virginia fan and her Dad is a Carolina fan. Karsyn smiled as soon as I placed the WV headband on her. I think she will follow in her Mom’s footsteps!
Congratulations again and thank you for trusting me to capture your memories. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!
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~Jessi Paige